Thursday, March 17, 2011


The last couple months I have been wondering where God is taking me. I have been searching for direction. I really do have a passion for jewelry making but lately I have felt God tell me to wait. There are a few other things that you need to focus on right now other than jewelry. And I am the type of person who doesn't want to wait. And I say "no I want this now" and do things my own way. Even though most of the time I am very patient but when I get an idea in my head I want to go at it full force. The idea was a jewelry business-and God telling me to wait. God usually humbles me whenever I defy Him. And then He constantly reminds me that He knows me.
Now I am not saying that I am no longer making jewelry anymore. No I will still take orders but I might not create any new things (for a while)......I do a lot of custom items anyway. But I can't go at it full force like I had planned. Not yet at least. And I don't plan on it ever being something full time but I am hoping that business will be a little bit regular instead of you know every 6 months I get an order or two.
I am also thinking of changing it up a bit (a makeover) maybe only focus on pieces that have some sentimental feeling to oneself. For example, birthstone jewelry, wedding jewelry, inspirational jewelry. I want the jewelry to be a little bit more personal and meaningful to the person buying it instead of just randomly making and creating pieces that people may not buy. So that is something I need to pray about and it honestly isn't something I can rush into.
So that is where I am. Not where I had planned to be but where God plans for me to be. His timing is perfect and He truly does know me. So I am excited for wherever He leads me.
Blessings, Katie